mi casa es tu casa, 2019
I’m interested in understanding the symbiotic relationships between humans and nature. The best way to describe this interaction, in a capitalist system, is as parasitic. We remove all we need from the earth, and in exchange, natural resources are depleted. Industrialization has not forged development to civilizations worldwide without disrupting the wellbeing of the environment and leaving pollution as a byproduct.

In 2019 I developed mi casa es tu casa, a handmade photographic book presenting the interactions between nature and waste in an urban setting by documenting the magnitude of public littering in Baltimore. The series of comparative photographs are a personal testimony of the litter collection I carried out in various public areas of the city.

As a citizen of the world, I believe the protection of environments should pertain to us all because we reside in them. The litter and trash issue in Baltimore is exacerbated by violence, segregation, inadequate fresh food access, and socioeconomic injustice. Baltimore is a valuable city, and its most vulnerable citizens deserve the attention and support of their government. With this body of work, I am conveying the importance of taking either personal or collaborative action to alleviate trash pollution.

Most importantly, this is the least I can do to demonstrate that I care for the future of the city and its environment. I sent a virtual version of the book to Lisa McNeilly, the Director of the Baltimore Office of Sustainability, and Brandon Scott, the City Council president. If you are interested in joining a trash-picking initiative in the city, consider the Less Litter, B-More Pickers Program, hosted by Trash-Free Maryland (info@trashfreemaryland.org)